Friday, 10 January 2014
1/10/2014 08:41:00 pm 0

8 Must-Have Skills For Every MS Exchange Administrator

In this article, we are going to take a closer look at some of the sophisticated topics which every Exchange administrator should be aware of to assist them in taking their Exchange Server expertise to the next level. We will also take a look at some of the simple steps which administrators can take to enhance their existing and new knowledge.

Advanced Exchange skills and topics you need to know

Having these eight skills, which majority of the administrators struggle with, can make you more precious and will readily grow among different versions of MS Exchange Server and MS Office.

1. Learn more about Exchange PowerShell.

Gaining a real understanding of Exchange PowerShell is a major step. For the MCSE, you will be required to study the basics, such as how to discover and set mailbox information. But you require to be clever to perform much more than that. Study how to automate an environment to simplify provisioning and practically shun downtime. A great place to get the knowledge about the same is to start reading a book or an ebook. There are many books available in the market and ebooks over the Internet which provides a thorough understanding about the Exchange Powershell.

2. Troubleshoot difficult problems with Exchange.

It is no clandestine that the MCSM lab test includes troubleshooting a complex problem in an Exchange environment, which supports how significant these Exchange skills are. If you are learning with a coworker, team up and think of doubtful methods to break a lab atmosphere, break each other's atmosphere and allow the other work out how to repair it. Become recognizable with a performance threshold for Exchange server so when you inspect an atmosphere using Perfmon, you will be acquainted with whether a high value means the whole thing is normal or you have a trouble.

3. Get a full knowledge of every Exchange module with some suggested reading.

During the MCSE, you might have got a high understanding of all areas you were examined on. Matching with what you will perceive in your job, you will certainly comprehend some parts in depth more than others. Cover-to-cover reading of both volumes of Exchange 2013 Inside Out and using those practices in your lab surroundings will be a huge assistance.

4. Study about hybrid deployments.

Many corporations don't plan to shift to the cloud anytime soon, but a reasonable number do. This number will definitely rise in the next coming years. Hybrid deployments will turn out to be more common, so understanding how to employ precondition modules such as Windows Azure Directory Sync and Active Directory Federation Services are very important skills, along with configuring and handling a hybrid deployment. When studying about hybrid deployments in fact, you will have to comprehend how to carry out a hybrid configuration, how the MRS Proxy, Federation for Free/Busy and Calendar Sharing works, how mail flow works and how Exchange objects are characterized and supervised within hybrid surroundings.

5. Integrate third-party products.

You can't forecast every third-party product you will require to incorporate with Exchange, but a lot of products incorporate in a parallel mode. If you have not taken the possibility to become recognizable with load balancers, you should. Practice each multi-server Exchange deployment makes use of one, and you can download virtual load balancers or use an IIS Address Request Routing to get understanding with this interior technology. You can also think learning about cloud-based spam filtering alternatives and at least one mobile device management alternative since many deployments will make use of them.

6. Incorporate Lync, SharePoint, and Office Web Apps.

These products now incorporate profoundly to each other, whether it is for site mailboxes in SharePoint or joined messaging, instant messaging and archiving incorporation with Lync or Office Web Apps incorporated into all three products. Recently launched technologies like OAuth revolutionize the technique Exchange usually incorporates with these applications, so in addition to understanding how to put the pieces collectively, comprehend why it works and how to troubleshoot incorporation.

7. Learn about upgrading and coexistence.

The dissimilarity among a flourishing upgrade and a failed upgrade lies in the hands of the consultant or admin executing it. It is simple to walk into an upgrade with no understanding the workings, but this is where your lab surroundings will do you beheaded. If you plan on spending the next few years upgrading Exchange environments, devoting the time to construct an absolute coexistence lab with a variety of customers will compensate bonuses.

8. Get back to the basics.

Our concluding topic is appropriate to every email environment, but a lot of Exchange administrators sidestep it. If you have had to troubleshoot an email bounce-back and had a Unix admin say that your system isn't compliant with Requests For Comment (RFCs), you actually should pay attention. If you haven’t controlled any other email system separately from Exchange, reading this will be an eye opener. RFC articles describe Internet standards for numerous protocols and are the key to ensuring interoperability among systems. Reading RFCs -- such as RFC2821, RFC3030, RFC1870, and RFC3207 -- will instruct you how SMTP-based email works. You will be amazed at what you don't know.

We have looked at where you require to begin if you desire to take your Exchange skills to the next level, but how do you authenticate that knowledge - This is up to you.


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