Wednesday, 31 July 2013
7/31/2013 09:33:00 am 0

Introduction to Exchange information store:

Exchange information store: The main components of The Information Store are: Storage groups, Transaction logs, Mailbox stores (admin mailbox & user mailbox). However the above structure may possess a slight variation from version to version. If I compare the Exchange versions 2000 and 2003 then following differences can be observed: Exchange 2000(Any Exchange 2000 service pack level) or Exchange 2003 Standard Pre-SP2 has 1 + 1 Recovery Storage Group. It has 1 Mailbox store...
7/31/2013 08:55:00 am 0

How to resolve Exchange Error 4294966746: JET_err Database Inconsistent?

How to resolve Exchange Error 4294966746: JET_err Database Inconsistent?
Exchange server is a server application that supports storage for data and other Email objects in its database. Exchange server stores its user mailbox data into EDB format. The user mailbox (e-mails, calendars, tasks, events, and contacts etc.) data is stored in EDB file. Like other data files these files are also prone to corruption. The database can get corrupt due to:Dirty database shutdown, antivirus scanning, log file issues, and others.  The corruption to data...
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
7/30/2013 08:33:00 am 0

How to resolve “OST synchronization Error 8004011D-526-80040115-0”?

How to resolve “OST synchronization Error 8004011D-526-80040115-0”?
As you know, OST files are the exact replica of all data on Exchange server. This data includes private as well as public Exchange folders. For each particular mailbox a separate OST file is created on the local user system. The OST file provides the facility to user for working offline. If you are working in offline mode or there is no connection with Exchange then, any changes made while you were offline will be synchronized with the Exchange database, after the connection...
7/30/2013 08:19:00 am 0

Why to migrate from Lotus Notes to Exchange?

Microsoft Exchange is a reliable adaptable and cost-effective Email collaboration & communication platform. Its varied set of powerful features makes the task more mobile and ways for business domain users.    With the release of newer versions it’s getting more popular among the users as it provides rich deployment options and productive collaboration features. Side by side the easy to user functionality and integrated data security and compliance policies makes...
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
7/24/2013 11:19:00 pm 0

How to fix Lotus Notes Error: “RRV Bucket is Corrupt”?

Lotus Notes email application is a proprietary of IBM. That is used for day by day Email -communication as well as Personal information management software. It manages all user mailbox data (e-mails data, calendar events, tasks, meeting and appointments etc.) in Lotus Notes database in .nsf file format. The Lotus Notes database files are prone to corruption due to several physical or logical errors. The Most common factors that lead to Lotus Notes database corruption are: •...
Friday, 19 July 2013
7/19/2013 02:03:00 am 0

How to export and import data with the help of Exmerge?

Exchange server is a server program developed by Microsoft for the purpose to be used as mail server, calendaring software and contact manager. In Exchange directory you can see various database files: .edb,.log,..chk, .jrs etc. The .edb files are the Exchange data base files where an Outlook user mailbox data is stored. In EDB file the data is stored in B tree structure. Microsoft provides Exmerge.exe if an administrator requires extracting user mailbox data from EDB database....
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
7/10/2013 09:05:00 pm 1

How to import Eudora MBOX files into Outlook?

How to import Eudora MBOX files into Outlook?
There are a lot of mail clients that supports MBOX mail file format for storing their mailbox data. Some most popular MBOX supporting clients are Thunderbird, Entourage, Spicebird, Pocomail, AppleMail, Eudora, Mulberry and SeaMonkey. In this article, I want to highlight some of the Eudora mail clients, its mailbox structure and ways to migrate Eudora MBOX files into Outlook. The mailbox structure in Eudora is similar to Unix MBOX format. In Eudora mbox file, the first line...