Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Introduction to Zarafa Server database

What is Zarafa?
Zarafa is a client server application that is designed to work in integration with Microsoft Outlook application. It provides AJAX based email client web access and works on Linux based machines.

Zarafa Database Structure:
Zarafa stores emails as well as other information such as personal address, contacts, notes, appointments etc. on server side.
It uses MySQL database to store the user mailbox data and information. The SQL database in Zarafa contains multiple tables stored in hierarchal order to store and manage the data.

Common tables used in Zarafa Database are:
1. Properties table: It is used for storing the set of properties of all data Items
2. Lob (large objects) table: It is used for storing attachments of e-mails and pictures of contacts.
3. Users table: It is used for storing all the users and groups
4. Usergroup_acl table: It is used for storing relations between users and groups.
5. Acl table: It is used for storing the access rights
6. Outgoingqueue table: It is used for storing the link to message (created by server) before its being actually sent.

Zarafa database files:

Zarafa uses different kind of storage engines for  data storage and management purpose.The most notable storage engine used by Zarafa server is InnoDB, it stores all the data in .ibadata and .frm file format.

Any kind of corruption in the .ibadata and .frm files turns the Zarafa server database inaccessible. Whenever you try to access the data you might get some error messages such as “Delivery in Zarafa mail fails" or "unsupported file format". To overcome such data loss situations, you will require an efficient  Zarafa repair tool to repair the corrupt or damaged Zarafa Server database. The Zarafa repair software let you repair the corrupt .frm and .ibdata1 files and thus, you can access the inaccessible  mail data from the recovered files.


  1. The challenge to successful delivery of emails include authentication of email IDs, reputation of the email host, being mislabeled as email spammers by anti spam applications, server configuration, and by email recipients. Identifying these fundamental challenges to successful email delivery will go a long way in ensuring that your emails are sought out by others. It will also help you to foresee any potential challenges ahead.

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